Are there certain rules for beach fishing in Zeebrugge? For example, only from a specified time and / or location?
Fishing from the beach is forbidden!
Where can I rent a beach cabin in Zeebrugge?
You can rent a beach cabin at:
Banana Moon Beach Club
Zeedijk, Zeebrugge
t. 0494 87 07 77
Are there (free) public showers on the beach of Zeebrugge?
There are free showers at various beaches in Zeebrugge.
Inter alia:
These beach showers are placed annually in early May and again removed from the beach at the end of September.
Are the beaches of Zeebrugge free accessible?
Access to and use of the beaches of Zeebrugge is (of course) free.
Is kitesurfing allowed everywhere for the beaches of Zeebrugge or are there special beach areas?
Is kitesurfing allowed everywhere for the beaches of Zeebrugge or are there special beach areas?
Are there in Zeebrugge also beach wheelchairs available to borrow or for rent? And if so, where?
More information:
Are dogs allowed on the beaches of Zeebrugge?
Dogs are prohibited on the beaches of Zeebrugge during the period 15 maart till 15 October.- Outside of the above mentioned period are only leased dogs allowed on the beaches of Zeebrugge.
Further, we also recommend reading the information board, with the local beach rules, which is often placed near every beach (entrance).
Nearest beach for dogs at Zeebrugge
Leashed dogs are allowed all year from beach Surfclub in the direction Blankenberge.
We would like to riding on the beach. At what riding stables is it possible to make a beach ride on a horse?
All information about horse riding on the beach or in the environment (including local riding schools) can be found on the riding page:
We would like to riding on the beach. At what riding stables is it possible to make a beach ride on a horse?
Horseback riding on the beach of Zeebrugge is prohibited throughout the year.
Does Zeebrugge has a nude beach? And if so, where is that naturist beach?
Bredene is the first and only Belgian coastal town with a nude beach.
More information:
Below is the location marked: